Saturday, April 11, 2009

Inaugural Blog Post

Recently presented with an empty week at my hometown in East Yorkshire, a walk on the harbour and a drive to York for an afternoon of shopping and the time filling options were almost exhausted.  Not that there's nothing to do in East Yorkshire (and for those of you more visually stimulated check out Jon Tait's Flickr photostream) but you need to be prepared, as Baden Powell said, to take advantage of all it has to offer.

We were far from prepared, back home to see Mum who has been battling cancer and rather suddenly her battle was over.  Instead of a few lazy days with Mum we were plunged into funeral arrangements and not in the best state of mind to dive headlong into Yorkshire's delights.

So I spent the week getting webbed up and now instead of just email and browsing I'm Twittering, blogging, Flickring, Huddling and probably several other 'ings that I've signed up to without even realising it.  So this blog is one of the efforts to be more connected than I have been and to start with I plan to comment on how useful all these web apps are; which pay social dividends, save time or make money and which are a complete waste of time.

To start with I'm hot on Twitter as an alternative to Facebook status updates. Facebook is bloated and annoys me with its busy interface.  I don't want to do a survey to see how sexy I might be or receive a slap from the Slap in the Face from a Wet Fish applet or any of the other things Facebook tries to do to enhance my social life.  I just want to keep in touch better than I do currently and Twitter is helping.  It has the added benefit that I can know what Lance Armstrong had for breakfast!